Every student can learn, just not on the same day or in the same way – George Evans
Any digital is quickly becoming the new buzzword on the internet. Cryptocurrencies, NFT’s, digital marketing, marketing funnel, social media ads etc. Today it is essential for people to become digital experts or leverage digital knowledge and skills to grow an online business or perhaps in the near future a personal online business.
So, to learn digital knowledge and skills to help yourself and others to obtain high-quality traffic to reach your or their business goals, you need to commit to your learning of this subject to step into a successful and promising future.
Styles of learning
Many factors affect how someone learns best, including the environment and cognitive and emotional factors. However, understanding your learning style can help you learn effectively.
Every student has a strategy they use to remember information more efficiently while studying. Some of them take notes; some make diagrams; some prefer to listen to lectures, etc. Since no learning style fits all students, scientists have conducted research in order to understand the way students learn new information best. Try remembering the following V- A.R.K,
Visual learning style
Visual learners prefer to take in their information visually with maps, graphs, diagrams, charts, and others. However, they don’t necessarily respond well to photos or videos, instead needing their information using different visual aids such as patterns and shapes.
The best way to present to visual learners is by showing them the relationship between different ideas visually.
Kinesthetic learning style
Kinesthetic learners are individuals who prefer to learn by doing. They enjoy a hands-on experience. They are usually more in touch with reality and more connected to it, which is why they require using experience to understand things better.
The best way to present new information to this kind of learner is through personal experience, practice, examples, or simulations. For instance, they can remember an experiment by recreating it themselves.
Auditory learning style
Auditory learners are individuals who learn better when they take in information when it is heard or spoken. They are prone to sorting their ideas after speaking rather than thinking ideas through before. Since, to them, saying things out loud helps them understand the concept.
Auditory learners learn best when information is presented to them via strategies that involve talking, such as lectures and group discussions. They can benefit from repeating the lessons, having recordings of the lectures, group activities that require classmates explaining ideas, etc.
These learners consume information best in words, whether by writing it down or reading it. To them, the text is more powerful than any visual or auditory representation of an idea. These individuals usually perform very well on written assignments.
There are different ways to get a reading/writing learner to engage and understand a particular lesson. For instance, it would be best to have them describe charts and diagrams by written statements, take quizzes on the topics, or give them written assignments.
You need to become a big fan of webinars conducted by experts and others to add value to the enhancement of knowledge and learning.
Many webinars are free as well as paid on every known topic. Webinars are presented in various ways, some containing Powerpoint presentations, graphs, charts, lists, and quizzes, and can be life or pre-recorded by the presenters. You too would be able to plan and execute a webinar with our online digital marketing training course.
Unfortunately, many people don’t leverage the power of social media when it is the trend of our time.
You would come across many aspects of digital marketing in video form, invitation advertising, products for sale etc.
You could also specifically search for “digital marketing” as a topic to see what results come up and learn from various social media platforms from thousands of comments and general or basic lessons.
Free information will take you so far, the reality is, it’s never an entire course or complete education you could rely upon.
Books and ebooks
You should also read ebooks on digital marketing, books won’t give you much practical knowledge, but they are a great tool to start your digital marketing journey.
One great way to support your learning in digital marketing is to read blogs on the internet, this will also keep you updated on the latest tactics and happenings in the world of online marketing.
Several digital marketing blogs are floating on the internet. However, you don’t need to read all of them. It would be wise to bookmark a few of those blogs and read them regularly.
Whether you are aware, like, or agree or not, podcasts are getting more popular day by day. Millions of people across the globe are listening to podcasts, especially in the private education niche market, self-motivation, personal development and online businesses.
Hence, if you are serious about learning digital marketing, you can start listening to various marketing podcasts.
You can also top up your learning of digital marketing by attending seminars and conferences. Every year thousands of digital marketing seminars and world conferences are conducted worldwide; you could gain valuable insights.
A lot of experts, business leaders, digital influencers, and digital entrepreneurs share their knowledge at these seminars and conferences, and you would meet like-minded individuals and perhaps even future business partners or employees.
You can also join various digital marketing forums on the internet. Some of the forums are paid, but some are also free. Hence, you can join the free forums and also get involved in discussions and share your knowledge if you want.
There is nothing better in life than a commitment to personal development and lifelong learning – Laila Gifty Akita
Commitment to learning
In spite of ample evidence of the value of learning, efforts too often fall short of what is needed. Students fail to graduate from high school. Others earn a diploma but do not have the skills to succeed in college. Many of those who enter postsecondary programs do not complete a degree or credential. Even those students who successfully complete degrees often stop their learning. High school graduation, college readiness, college completion, and lifelong learning are essentials for a well-educated population. We all must commit to learning.
Every Tipping Point Business Owner has had a lifelong commitment to learning and continuous improvement. Whether that involves formal learning activities, such as having a mentor or engaging in structured education programs or being an avid reader and student of life, Tipping Point Business Owners see where they have gaps in their knowledge and skills and actively go about closing those gaps.
They know the value of investing in their education and are always in the “learner’s seat”.
And ongoing learning is a daily practice. Whether listening to a podcast or doing an online course, it should be a crucial part of ensuring that your skills stay current. It is SO important to keep learning. And, of course – Implementing.
Commit to lifelong learning
You can enjoy both personal and professional benefits when you make education a lifelong priority, and these are a few factors to consider.
1. Wider Knowledge, More Skills
As you expand your knowledge base in different ways, you can increase your skill set tremendously. Formal education remains essential, but it is not entirely sufficient because of how rapidly the world is evolving. Therefore, you should regularly work to improve your professional skills and explore new interests and hobbies.
Whatever you choose to pursue, there are many ways to widen your knowledge base: taking up a class, attending a seminar, listening to audio tapes, etc.
2. New Career Opportunities
The job market is increasingly competitive, and many employers are focused on finding well-rounded workers to join their teams. They want to find people who have expertise in many areas rather than one, so they will be drawn to individuals with various skills and interests.
When you improve your skill set, you may even gain knowledge that can help you start your own business. Such opportunities can improve your quality of life and potentially lead to a higher income. So, if you are unhappy with your job, don’t wait, start honing your skills now!
3. Open-Mindedness
Furthermore, education can change your outlook on specific topics and help you become a well-rounded and informed citizen. More than that, it can help you to carry on intelligent conversations and make you become an interesting person in the eyes of other people. Overall, your broad worldview will help you enjoy a more successful career and foster great personal relationships with friends and colleagues alike.
Stress of learning
Learning can cause pressure and stress when a person feels emotionally overwhelmed for many reasons when there are too many things that have to be done and learned at the same time or simply desire to accomplish what is possible in a given time.
Sometimes, too much noise at home and a person’s time is occupied with others’ tasks delegated or forced upon by others. Included on the list is the family expectation and hash comments to press on whilst emotionally drained.
Whatever the reason, this can significantly impact one’s health in a negative way and have a detrimental long-term effect. Whilst sometimes we cannot avoid this situation but it is essential to recognise the signs and symptoms as soon as possible to allow the person a greater chance of being in control of their health.
Program your mind for long-life learning, meaning never to stop learning – Melvin Mayard
Mental Health
Emotions, thinking, communication, learning, resilience, and self-esteem are all built on a foundation of mental health. Relationships, personal and emotional well-being, and contributing to the community or society require good mental health.
Many persons who suffer from mental illnesses are apprehensive about discussing their condition. Mental disease, on the other hand, is not something to be embarrassed by!
It is, like heart disease or diabetes, a medical condition. Mental illnesses, on the other hand, are treatable. Treatments are available to help people successfully manage mental health disorders, and our understanding of how the human brain works are constantly expanding.
Overcome mental illness
Mental illnesses are illnesses that cause changes in emotion, thought, or behaviour (or a combination of these). Distress and/or problems functioning in social, work, or family activities are common symptoms of mental illnesses.
Things you can do to be in control of your mental health
1.Value yourself
Avoid self-criticism and treat yourself with care and respect. Make time for your favourite projects and interests, or widen your horizons. Do a daily crossword puzzle, start a garden, learn to dance, learn to play an instrument, or learn a new language.
2. Surround yourself with good and positive people
People who have a solid social or family network are generally healthier than those who do not. Make plans with supportive family and friends, or look for activities that will allow you to meet new people, such as joining a club, class, or support group.
At the same time learn at this critical moment to stay away from negative people and
3. Take care of you
Taking care of your physical health might help you feel better mentally. Make certain to:
The idea that one could be complacent with their health and when falling ill, they seeking help from doctors is a destructive and arrogant personal health strategy.
The pressure of learning often is expressed with self-neglect. Remember to put your health at the top of the agenda, a sick person would always find it hard to learn. The person would feel emotionally and psychologically even more stressed. The way is a downward spiral, learning would inevitably bring any learning process to a halt.
Your health is your priority and no one else – Melvin Mayard
1.05 5 ways to prevent information overload
Activity 1.05
What is your learning style?
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