Section 3.01 Creative Writing

Module 3  

Section 3.01 

Creative Writing  

Creative writing, inspiring, valuable information, educating, and emotionally gets you to ‘like/dislike’ and ‘engage’ with it.  – Melvin Mayard  

What is creative content? 

Content creation is the process of creating written content, photography, videography and graphics. Today, video is on the rise and content is easier and faster by filming rather than by typing.  Although, the content could be transcribed as written content to be used elsewhere. 

Where the content is being used would have specifications such as Social media has to fit within prescribed limits for character counts on some platforms, image sizes, resolutions and video lengths as well. 

Having to place value into what is being portrayed is of the utmost importance. Spaces, sizes and lengths are to be considered, so you need to be creative as of the very word.

Creative content for this study is to develop the confidence and ability to create ‘content’ rather than being a creative novelist. Yes, it may require a certain level of creative description, but more importantly, it’s the quality content readers are expecting from a brand and be informed about. Working online as a career or business, at some point, will demand you to create content. 

There is no magical wand to this  principle, somehow you will have to create content either of,

  • writing
  • photographs
  • Videos
  • graphics 

Depending on a business idea or career, one would either create or use the following (the acronym F.A.C.T.S), 

  • Free content. These are available for free on certain platforms or can be bought. Never take what is not yours. Even if you are inspired by a piece of writing, put it in your own words to make it uniquely yours. 
  • Audience. Studying a captive audience can help you decide what types of posts will perform best, asking questions, analyzing the answers and writing about them. Otherwise, create an audience for the work.
  • Competition. Start a competition for the best poems, writing on a particular topic, short stories etc. If they are doing it for you, then it’s your intellectual property as long as you are asking for originality and not a copy of someone else’ work. 
  • Teach. Start teaching a specific subject that you have knowledge of and use the content. 
  • Socializing. The most common method of obtaining ideas for content is from every conversation or communication by replies on social media.  Again ensure it’s your conversation and not entirely someone else, despite the fact you can quote what others are saying. 

Ability to create content

Develop the ability to be creative by studying how. Research how you could dedicate precise time to achieve this. Observe and APPLY your content writing, photographs, video and graphics by questioning and exploring the possibilities, 

a. Facts; ‘this was…., there were…., They couldn’t…’  

b. Critiques; ‘how can …., so and so achieved…, it’s a shame…’ 

c. Comparison; ‘they did …, they achieved…, they said…’ 

d. Solutions; ‘they provided…., this should be…’ 

e. Commentary; (relate to emotions, how others felt or said) 

f. 3rd party commentary ‘so and so also said…., Was said by XYZ 

g. Open-ended/question ‘what do you think…., Do you agree …., is it controversial….,  What about it? Who thinks that way…? 

h. Asking for an action ‘if you would like more info please…’ 

i. Use facts, figures, quotes, commentary, ask for opinions etc…

Thoughts on subjects 

To develop your business and career path whether now or in the future using any of the following topics, start thinking about how to research and expand upon any of the business-related topics below;  

1. Environment  

Contents on environments could include; 

a. Political decisions in the new laws and regulations on building in the local lands  

b. How building more houses is affecting the green lands and nature  

c. The demand for more houses to be built in the UK vs planning not permitted on brown or green lands 

d. How else is real estate affecting the environment? 

2. Marketing Plan 

a. Collect data: everything is important, not only numbers but also opinions, state of mind, feelings, illusions or intentions.

b. Analysis; analyze data. Be very critical and objective

c. Projects, brainstorming, and workflows. It’s time to make a plan

d. Work; communication and coordination between parties are essential.

e. Control; are you on the right track? Mistakes are allowed, and corrections are mandatory

f. Reward; you can jubilate but don’t sleep. start working on your next project

3. Customers 

a. customers value ‘’good’ service more than ‘’fast’ service. 

b. Customers love personalization. They will gladly pay for it 

c. customers will remember you if you can remember their name.

d. there are a few things customers talk about more than a pleasant surprise 

4. Marketing Funnel 

a. awareness; creating marketing materials that allow your customers to learn about your company and product. 

b. consideration; phase to create a deeper relationship with customers through targeted and personalized messages.

c. purchase; convincing your customer to purchase a product by sharing benefits and creating a sense of urgency 

d. loyalty; retaining your customers by sending educational materials and helpful information.

e. advocacy; turning long-time customers into fans who advocate for the brand.  

Types of content

One can use any subject and topic to write about and create a film. There is no limit as there is a market for each one. The only question is which market and niche you are willing to take on as a challenge.  

As a business and goal-setting tip, focus on the content, products and services and the money will follow as it has to if it delivers value.  People will always pay for the value and results. 

Note there is a big difference between neuromarketing tactics by psycho-deception content and valuable content to inform and teach. We’ll cover this topic another time or take control of your time management and research it at will.

To be creative, you need to explore all possibilities – Melvin Mayard


  • Contents is of various format,
    • Writing
    • photographs
    • video
    • graphics
  • Creating content is about writing, photographs and video creation with the acronym F.A.C.T.S remember and use it,
    • Free
    • Audience
    • Create
    • Teach 
    • Social

3.01 The-Content-Creation-Handbook

Activity 3.01

Create a written (50- 100 words), photo, video or graphic content of your choice or one that is related to your business idea and post it on your social media page.

Please grade yourself on this section.

(Automated self-grade) 

  1. excellent
  2. Good
  3. ok 
  4. bad

Please provide your feedback on the section

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