Module 4
Brand Marketing
A brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir -Lisa Gansky
What is a brand?
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other distinguishing element that distinguishes a seller’s goods or services from those of other vendors. In business, marketing, and advertising, brands are employed. Generic and retail brands are occasionally distinguishable from name brands.
A brand is an intangible marketing or business concept that allows people to recognise a company, a product, or a person. People frequently confuse brands with marketing tools such as logos, slogans, or other recognisable marks used to promote goods and services.
The Importance of Brand
The business brand comprises customer impressions, ideas, sentiments, desires, connections, and experiences. It is the face value of what the company stands for – and it should be for everything the company stands for, in every aspect of the company.
Today this effect is reflected in the company’s social media profile, product and service presentations, market delivery, customer feedback on the brand name, and the spreading of implicit signals about the company. Unfortunately, not all firms realize it, and many businesses are content to sell everything they have. Consider general retail stores, some of which are retail giants on main streets, known for providing general convenience and needs rather than supplying highly specialised products and services. They have their name on practically every retail line and their own brand of products.
Branding has power in many different ways;
• message – a clear message
• Emotional – connected with audience – design – strategy
• credibility – power/trust
• Power – influence on buyer – long-term relationship
• Gain customer loyalty – repeat sales
• Psychological Recognise symbol – Image – value – status
• Global influence – expansion – attract specific customers
• Innovations – technology – management
Brand Marketing
Brand marketing is promoting your product or service by promoting your entire brand. Essentially, it conveys the tale of your service or product by stressing your exclusive brand.
Marketing is the process of increasing awareness of your brand and its products to increase sales, whereas branding is expressing who your company is and what it stands for.
If you don’t give the market the story to talk about, they’ll define your brand’s story for you -David Brier
Simple Strategies For Brand Marketing:
Things To Avoid When Developing a Brand Marketing Strategy
4.04 Customise Business Branding Messages.doc 4.04 GROUP WORK
Activity 4.04
Choose any Global brand and explain why Brand marketing is Important?
(Please do NOT choose a local or national company)
Please grade yourself on this section.
(Automated self-grade)
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